Sunday, August 7, 2011

How To: Make Your Own Floral Arrangement

Making your own floral arrangement is E-A-S-Y!  Why pay for high (over) priced arrangements from an online or over the phone company? Now that I know how to make them, I never pay for pre-made arrangements. Plus, it is so easy to get fresh cut flowers from your local grocer when they are usually sold for about $3-$4 a bunch. And because you've made them yourself,  it is much more personal than that typed out "personal message" card they stuff in the bouquet. 

Here is what you'll need:

- a vase (filled 1/4 of the way)
- a pair os scissors (kitchen scissors are best)
- a few packets of flower food
- a bundle of at least 2 stems of Lilys
- a bundle of at least 6 stems of Daisies
- a bundle of smaller flowers
- a bundle of baby's breath for filler
- a few stems of leather leaf

Things to remember:
*Always cut the flowers at an angle before placing them
*When using Lillies, cut the pollen from the flower before placing them, or it will fall off and stain everything around it
*Cool water is best for freshly cut flowers

Step One:
Place the leather leaf in the vase, fanning them out equally apart.

Step Two:
Place the more prominent flowers around the vase, close to the level of the lip. The place one taller one in the center of those flowers.

Step Three:
Fill in the remainder of the flowers, alternating heights and colors as you place them.

Step Four:
Fill in the empty spaces with the baby's breath. 

Step Five:
Clean up and enjoy!


1 comment:

  1. Whew! Thanks for the tips! I think I'll implement this in an upcoming photo shoot...

    P.S. Following!
